For Your Ears, Only!
Today I recorded 14 audio only modules about google sheets. I included earlier this week a note that I’m recording these lessons for a new platform. Audio Lessons only.
The first one I recorded was the principle of making better dashboards.
The analogy I use throughout the first 5 modules is that the Speedometer is one of the greatest dashboards ever made.
I have included it in this email to share with you the kinds of short lessons I’m recording. Happy to hear any critique or feedback if you listen and want to talk.
If You Want Videos, Not Only Audio.
Here are two videos that can help you make better dashboards.
I haven’t done the drawing for a free membership yet since hitting 200 YouTube Subscribers. You have time, I’d say within the next few hours…. to become a subscriber.
The only thing you have to do is be a YouTube Subscriber and you are entered into the random drawing.
If you already have a membership I will see if you’d like to gift it to a friend.
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